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Monday, June 7, 2010

2010 Third Annual Photowalk

I am leading a Photowalk on July 24, 2010 as part of Scott Kelby's Third Annual Photowalk. I will be leading a walk over the Walkway over the Hudson. It is a New York Historic State Park above
the Hudson River.

Below is an image of the Railroad Bridge under construction as the slabs were put in place by a crane.

Check out for more details. For the Walkway, the world's longest pedestrian bridge, go to for more information.

Join me and others as we shoot from and on the Walkway, tour Poughkeepsie's Little Italy, and end up at Mahoney's Irish Pub for food and drink. You can take the Metro North Train to Poughkeepsie and meet us at the Station. No need for a car.

I did the Greenwich Village walk before and it was great. At the end, we will post our pictures to a Flickr account, and a winner will be chosen. That winner will receive a copy of Scott Kelby's brand new CS5 for Digital Photographers or Lightroom 3 for Digital Photographers.

It should be a great day. The Walkway has a constant stream of walkers, bikeriders, roller bladers, and unique people. The dogs are big and small, and there are many photo oppportunites to shoot the happenings on the Walkway. The views from the Walkway are breath taking. I will bring my panoramic tripod head and people can try that out. I will post some images here and on my flickr site of the Walkway shots I have taken.

Fun with Panoramics: both sides of the banks of the Hudson, with the Mid Hudson Bridge to the South in the distance.

Join me and others for a great day of photos, fun, food and drink.


Blogger Lisa Tatsuko said...

This is great, wish I was going to be around, as I live in Poughkeepsie! Can I enter photos I took already? *Lisa

July 13, 2010 at 8:45 AM  
Blogger Bill Bogle, Jr. said...

Lisa, no the images have to be from the Photowalk. This is Scott Kelby's event, and the winner gets the book.

I have spoken to Fred Schaeffer and think that a separate photo contest for the Walkway would be great. It doesn't even have to be contest, but a gallery. Let's see if we can convince the powers that be to do this, or maybe another organization with wall space would permit it.

Sorry you cannot make it, as it should be a great time.

July 13, 2010 at 12:09 PM  
Blogger Bill Bogle, Jr. said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

July 13, 2010 at 12:09 PM  
Blogger Lisa Tatsuko said...

No worries, Bill, I totally understand! Let me know if any other contests, I have some fun photos... Please email me at if this ever happens!
Cheers ~

July 15, 2010 at 6:30 AM  
Blogger jeffkny said...

Bill, is there a rain date? or just a plan to reschedule should we have the rain they are forecasting? My daughter and I plan on going, as we both are avid photogs. You should plan a fall photo walk...we went on opening day and got fantastic shots. A photo walk up Mt. Beacon would be superb. *Jeff

July 20, 2010 at 1:25 PM  

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