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Friday, August 24, 2012

A PhotoWalk in the Woods: Locust Grove, Poughkeepsie, NY

Late light in Spring
If you have not heard about it, Scott Kelby is promoting his fifth Annual Photowalk. What is a Photowalk? It is a gathering of people interested in photography at a location, where they have the opportunity for about 2 or 3 hours to make images of that location, and then gather back at a restaurant to discuss that effort and results. The best part about it is that it is FREE. Yes, if you want to eat at the restaurant, you have to pay for your meal, but other than that, no expense -zip - zero -nada!

Here is the Link to the Locust Grove Walk:

Winter Stream
Early Spring Stream

I have been on several of these Photowalks and really enjoyed myself, enough that I lead one on the Walkway over the Hudson in 2010 on a very hot day in August. I am again leading a walk this year, but to Locust Grove, the Samuel F. B. Morse Estate, on Route 9 in Poughkeepsie, NY. It will be on Saturday, October 13, 2012, which will be much cooler than the Walkway in August. We will spend the morning on the grounds of the Estate, which if you have never been there, are incredible. Yes there is the beautiful Mansion with the horse cart under the portico, and the view of the Hudson River from the porch, but it is the gardens and trails that I find most interesting. The formal gardens behind the Visitors Center are in bloom most of the Spring, Summer and Fall, and have wonderful photographic opportunities, with the Caretaker's Cottage in the background. When you start down the trails, you are taken a world away from busy Route 9. There you will find wide carriage roads for trails that loop around fields, deep old growth forests, with streams and even a waterfall and large pond. Further down the trail is a stream that feeds to a site where a sawmill stood, and you can even get to Sunfish Cove and the Hudson River above the railroad tracks. 

Foggy Trail
In October, you may have the benefit of cooler weather and some morning fog lifting, and some early fall color. 
Fall at Locust Grove

It is a an easy hike, with some elevation change down to the River, but no rock climbing or scrambling. You can go off on your own if you want, or generally follow the group. I am always amazed when a group of people go to the same place at the same time to shoot, and come away with such different images.

Afterwards we will go to the Table Talk Diner on Route 9, just south of Locust Grove, to enjoy some lunch together. We can share images we made on the backs of our cameras, and talk about what worked best, and what didn't work. If you 

Morning Light 
Join me for a great walk in the woods. I will update the blog and the Photowalk page with some thoughts on how to prepare for a photowalk, what to bring, and what you might find. After the walk there will be a page to post your images from the Walk, and you can enter to win one of Scott's books. As the leader, I will recommend and pick an image to get the book, and you can also enter the Worldwide Group for other prizes. The one thing I hope you will get (and know you should get) is a wonderful appreciation of such beautiful grounds and trails close by, and return often to Locust Grove.

Please note that the walk does not include a tour of the house. You can on your own sign up for the house tour, which does have a fee. This walk is for the grounds and trails.

Take a walk back in time

Any questions, please e-mail me at Thanks.